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Do you have a cluttered heart? This is a major problem with lots of people which is causing all sort of issues in their lives with regards to career, workplace, finances , marriages, families and many more things. If your heart is in mess, you lose focus or become blind to see the opportunities, situations and sometimes even people. You are not able to see these things because you are so much deeply wounded and messed up inside.
The following are the 3 tips on how you can simplify these problem by yourself. You know, human beings are never satisfied with the things they have. We are always in the process of wanting more and more in our life and the consequence is that we are complicating our lives.
Be happy with what you have
People always have a habit of putting conditions on things happening in their lives. By the very act of saying and living, as if you will be happy when some event or circumstances happen in your life, you are creating a distinction between being happy and not being happy and that becomes an absolute reality in your life. Happiness is a way of life. It is an attitude. So choose to see beauty and opportunity in everything that comes your way regardless of circumstances and you will be contented or happy with your present and also you become happiness in the life of others.
Setting priority in your life
Since the heart is cluttered we have the tendency to easily lose sight of our priorities and to deviate the course of life. We allow minor problems of our life to defeat us and permit other distractions to deviate us from the actual purpose and accept other people’s priority as our own. In extension to this, we become robots without really thinking about where life is taking us. Before we realize it, days and months passed by and we are in the middle of nothing. We need to understand that our time is limited. We can do anything, but not everything. My suggestion is, when you set your priorities in your life, don’t set too many. It’s very easy to get caught up in the busyness of life. Sometimes things seem bigger than they actually are. Setting and occasionally re-evaluating our priorities in life helps us to keep the end in mind and what is actually important verses what seems important.
Focus on one thing at a time
As long as you focus on achieving one thing at a time, you can achieve almost anything in life. We have lots of idea in our mind but we struggle to put it into practice because of our cluttered mind and heart that’s because human minds are unstable. Our desires keep changing constantly. We pursue new things before we finish our task in hand. There’s always a discrepancy between what we know and what we do. We need to practice single tasking instead of multitasking. Even if you have multiple things to do, I suggest to focus on one thing at a time. For example don’t answer the call when you are in conversation with someone. Don’t check your phone or email while at meetings. When working, focus on single task at a time.
If you take time to become less distracted by your desires, the more reliable you will become. You will become a person who will value your life. And then you will start achieving one thing after the other and then your job is to keep up this momentum.
If your heart is uncluttered you live in peace , you become a part of the system. This is how people remain happy and wealthy.